
Sunday, February 2, 2014

Dress up Doll Frame

Or as D likes to call him, Fabric Guy

This is such a simple project but children can have so much fun 'designing' their own outfits for the characters they make.

You will need:

  • 2 pieces of white card the same size - I use the inside of a cracker box from the recycling.
  • Sticky tape - I used white masking tape as it was lying around but any tape would also work
  • Pen's
  • Fabric scraps, felt or even sheets of patterned paper if you have no material
  • Scissors or exacto knife
  • Cookie cutter (optional)


To begin we drew around the cookie cutter on one piece of card, you could draw your person freehand but my 5 year old wanted to draw it so it was easier for him to trace the shape. Once it is traced you need to cut out the inner shape, this is a job for a grown up or older child, be careful not to cut through from the outside as this is the piece you need, I did this for Buba and D.

Step 2

The next step is to tape the piece of card with the person on it to the second piece of card. If you are making it from recycled card like me make sure you tape it so that both plain surfaces face up. Tape up the left side to create a front and back panel.

Step 3
With the cards together have your child draw a face on the persons head, this face will actually be on the back piece of card still when you open it. 

On the front piece of card if they would like you could have your child design a background to the person, have them think about adding things like the ground, sky, sunshine etc. D at this point just wanted to play with it but he did go back later to color the front.

Step 4 
Finally give your child a few different fabrics and have them 'dress' their figure.

D had so much fun with this, it was such a simple craft from a bunch of stuff lying around. He sat for a long time making up silly stories for his guy, it was really great to see it sparking his imagination.

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