
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Jello Play Dough

So my wonderful intentions today were to finish up my grass heads post and share it with you all. The grass has grown and I am almost ready; but for spring, it sprang, and reminded me I needed to get myself out and take care of some of the million jobs that seem to have been added to my to do list. After spending a good few hours outside in the yard with my littlest he was not prepared to watch me type but instead 'had to' do play dough RIGHT NOW...You get the drift. Anyway, I decided if he wanted it that bad he could help make the play dough. So he did.

About a year ago I discovered the wonders of no cook dough and I've been experimenting ever since it's SO easy (it really is), it's so easy my 3 year old can make it and heres how.

You will need:

1 Cup flour
1/4 Cup Salt
2 tbls Cream of Tartar (Found in the spices isle of the supermarket)
2 tbls Oil
1 packet sugar free Jello (Needs to be sugar free)
1 Cup boiling water

Step 1 and only step this takes minutes

Heres my secret to the smoothest, easiest play dough, my blender. Measure and pour out all the ingredients into the blender, finish with the boiling water. If you don't have a blender you can mix it the old way with a bit of elbow grease it will just take longer. D did it all apart from the boiling water which I did. 

He was very happy when he opened the Jello box 'all by myself'.

But the best bit was driving the blender.

And thats it, scrape it out the bowl and play. If you feel its too dry add oil, too wet add a little more salt (I try to keep that on the low side as it dries your hands so much).

I didn't even wash out the bowl between colors, just repeat the process adding a different flavor Jello mix. Having the different flavors adds to the smell sensory fun. I liked the lime but D preferred strawberry. Anyone for cupcakes?

So easy a 3 year old can do it.

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