
Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Wipeable Leaf Art

Do you have lots of fall leaves around you? We are so lucky here in the Northeast at this time of year. The trees are spectacular I love watching the changing of the seasons; it's a beautiful reminder of how quickly time passes and how we are all part of a greater circle of life. It is also a great time to spend outdoors with your kids soaking it all in.

And even if you don'y get the pretty fall colors where you are why not get outside and have your children collect as many different shaped leaves as they can for this project. It's  a great way to get the kids outside and looking at the world around them, identifying different plants and trees around them and learning how to use nature in their art work.

This is one of those awesome projects that should keep the kiddo's occupied for far longer than it takes for you to pull it together. It's one of those great activities to pull out when you need twenty minutes to get dinner but are resisting the urge to switch on the television. I guarantee if you pull these leaves out for your preschooler it wont be long until any older kids you have, are also creating with it. Mine all got off the bus and then my only mistake was that I didn't have more sheets for them to create with.

You will need:
Colorful fall leaves
White board markers and/or chalk pens
Sheets of white or black paper depending if you are using whiteboard makers or chalk pens
Laminating sheets and a laminator (OR if you don't have that you can use contact paper)

Step 1 (And thats it, super easy)

Lay out the freshly collected leaves on the paper. You can choose one leaf per page or several leaves per page. Place the paper and leaves inside the laminating sheets and laminate.

Place laminated sheets and pens out on a table for your children to create. 

Encourage the children to doodle on the leaves, trace them or turn them into something different.

And when they are done they can wipe the sheets clean and start again!
