
Thursday, February 15, 2018

Chinese Dragon Mask

Are you all set to celebrate the Chinese New Year starting tomorrow? If like me you were all hearts up until yesterday you might be looking for a quick last minute activity to do with your kiddos and this one fits the bill perfectly. I've even included a FREE printable so all you have to do is hit print and then let your little one get coloring. So if you you'd like to get your hands on one of these fun dragon templates read on.

You will need:

Coloring pens / crayons or Kwik Stix
Colored tissue paper
Colored paper to decorate with

Step 1

Have your child color the mask. We used a lot of red and gold traditional chinese new year colors plus some yellow and green dragon colors. Keep it bright and bold.

Step 2

Once you have colored your mask its time to make the fire. Take a few squares of colored tissue paper, red/yellow/orange and fold them together cutting the ends at an angle to make flames. Attach them to your mask with glue.

Step 3

If you'd like to decorate your dragon further why not cut scraps of colored paper to create spikes and scales. Or cut horns out of gold paper. Attach both things with glue and allow to dry.

Your dragon is complete! Nows the time to cut holes in it and attach string to create a mask. Or maybe make a whole collection of them and string them together as bunting!! Either way they make a great decoration to bring in the year of the dog!!