
Friday, December 1, 2017

Simple Gold Wreath

Welcome to December! Anyone else find this year flew by? My kids are bouncing off the walls to get the Christmas Season underway and what better way to welcome in the month than with this pretty Welcome Wreath for your door. If you follow me in IG you got a sneak peak at it yesterday but as promised heres the longer 'How To'. 

This gorgeous wreath is easy enough for a child to make but you might just want to make one yourself too. I love its simpleness and the elegance that the gold paint gives it. Whether you are making this for someone else or just to hang up in your own house to enjoy, here is a quick run through as to how we made it.

You will need:

Thin bendy twigs - you'll probably have to cut these of a bush or shrub as live wood tends to be the bendable type, dead wood from the ground will just snap as you bend it. We have lots of woods near us and some of the vine weeds that grow are perfect. If no wood is available you could always improvise with a thick wire coat hanger, you won't even have to do step 1, just stretch it into a circle shape and use the hook to hang it!

A few sprigs of plants - holly, ivy, mistletoe and even grasses are good.
Wire - we used a copper 18 gauge craft wire, a floral wire works well too
Gold spray paint

Step 1

Begin by bending the sticks into a circle. Fasten the ends together by wrapping the wire around tightly. you should now have a hoop. Our vines were already twisted together but if you have a single strand you might want to loop around more than once.

Step 2

You can now start attaching small sprigs of interesting shaped leaves, seed pods and berries. Sprigs from the yard are perfect but again if you live in the middle of a city and don't have access to real plants you can always go pick up some few fake foliage at a craft store and trim it to make what you need - the color doesn't matter because you are going to spray paint it all anyway.

Attach the sprigs again using the wire to hold them in place. Think about placement, with kids you'll probably have to remind them that less is more in this case as they'll want to attach lots which is fine but to keep the simple design its nice to see the hoop a little.

Step 3

Before we spray the hoop we also add a wire loop to the top to hang it by. This makes it much easier to spray paint when its done.

Step 4

Cut a cardboard house out and glue to one corner of the hoop. I used my hot glue gun for this so we didn't have to wait for it to dry. Then take your hoop to a well ventilated area and spray it all gold.

Once its all dry you can hang it on a door to enjoy, or package it up as a gift for someone special. Welcome December!!

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